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Lower Lights Ministries
Rev. & Mrs. Dennis L. Morgan
P.O. Box 4
Dublin, Ga. 31040  






Christian Greetings,

     We would like to introduce you to the Lower Lights Ministries.  Having stepped out by faith, in July, 2006, we have a burden that realizes the need of the full council of God to be taught and preached within the Prison systems.  At the same time we also desire to see a genuine move of God among His people outside of the prisons.

     This ministry is dependent upon the provisions of our Lord through revivals, special services, and the support of God’s people as they feel the burden to give into this mission project.

     Within the prison systems we have found a mission field of hungry hearts, hurting hearts, and hearts that possibly have never been touched by the preaching of the full gospel.  Imagine an Island on a mission field with over 50,000 people on it.  Upon this Island there are diverse cultures from all over the world. This Island is the Georgia Department of Corrections. There are many other Islands of this magnitude all over our nation, some larger and some smaller.

     Among these are people who have never heard the gospel until they went to a chapel service in prison or jail.  These are hardened criminals, or just simply good boys and girls or men and women who made senseless decisions or got with the wrong crowd at the wrong time. These include some people that should be, and some that in reality should not be in prison.  We believe that they need to know what we know about our Lord Jesus Christ.

     Please take the Lower Lights Ministries upon your heart as a matter of prayer.  If you would be interested in being a supporter of this mission, please give us a call or write to the above address.

God Bless you, 

Rev. & Mrs. Dennis L. Morgan


Services offered by our Ministry......

By Mail...

Open book Bible Studies /  Sunday School lessons  /  Mini - sermons / Encouragement letters

We are currently ministering or have ministered to inmates or former inmates through the mail in 35 states and the countries of Denmark and Thailand.

At the Institutions....

Church services.
Pastoral visits.
Bibles (King James Version).
Gospel Literature.
Preaching CDs.

We have regularly scheduled services in 22 facilities, have had Church in 29 facilities, and have conducted Pastoral visitation in 39 facilites.

Ways you can give:

In Person

Come join us in giving every Sunday morning @ 11:00 am , Sunday evening @ 6:00 pm, and Wednesday evening @ 7:00 pm 


Download the app on your mobile device, or click below to set up an account using your computer. Start giving online today! 

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